Woman doing glute workout

The Best Female Beginner Glute Workout

15 min read


11 Jan 2024

Hack beast mode

  1. How can a beginner grow glutes?
  2. How long does it take to build glutes?
  3. How can I build my glutes at home for beginners
  4. Video: Female Beginner Glute Workout
  5. The Female Beginner Glute Workout Video: Explained
  6. Why YouTube videos are perfect for free expert workouts

Want to find out how to build glutes for beginners? You’re in the right place.

We've got the best booty exercises to get you there and a pro to help guide you.

Not only do glute exercises give you that perfect peachy look but they help form the basis for a strong lower body too.

But, before you start hitting the gym, it's important to learn the proper way to perform these exercises for the best body-boosting benefits while avoiding injuries.

Did you know? Glute muscles are among the largest in the body and support daily activities, athletic performance, and posture.

So, let's get started on your butt-building journey with CrazyBulk's female beginner workout video—which you can do from the comfort of your own home. Bonus.

Let’s get started.

How can a beginner grow glutes?

Growing glutes as a beginner can feel a bit intimidating. But at CrazyBulk, we've teamed up with athlete and personal trainer Teia Blackwood to bring you the best glute exercises for the ultimate butt workout specifically for beginners.

But before we get started, let's just run over some tips to keep you motivated and injury-free.

Top Tip 1: Posture and correct form play a crucial role in engaging the glute muscles properly.

It's important to maintain proper form during glute exercises.

Always make sure to…

  • Keep a neutral spine
  • Avoid excessive arching
  • Avoid rounding of the back

This ensures that the glutes are being activated and targeted effectively so other muscle groups aren't working as hard at the same time. The result? Better butt results.

Top Tip 2: Consistency is key

Aim to practice glute exercises at least two to three times per week to allow for muscle recovery and growth.

But, avoid overtraining, as it can actually start to hinder your progress and undo all the hard work you've put in.

You've got to rest on some days, too, so your muscles can regroup, repair and grow.

Top Tip 3: Blend in other muscle groups too

While glute exercises are essential for targeting and growing the glute muscles, it’s also good for your overall strength and symmetry to incorporate exercises that target complementary muscle groups.

Strong and balanced muscles surrounding the glutes can promote better overall stability, posture, and functionality.

Good matches for glutes are…

  • Quadriceps (front of the thigh)
  • Hamstrings (back of the thigh)
  • Core muscles

Here is an epic bodyweight workout video to guide you through working with other muscle groups for total toning and fitness.

How long does it take to build glutes?

The time it takes to build glutes really depends on factors like genetics, age, diet, fitness levels, and more.

According to fitness experts, glute growth generally takes about six to eight weeks to see noticeable changes.

Of course, results might come faster for some or take longer for others, but you need to tie it in with a healthy diet and consistent training to see results.

For faster results, it's recommended to train your glutes multiple times a week (2-3x) and ensure that you are eating enough calories to build muscle.

How can I build my glutes at home for beginners?

With a quick video, that’s how. We've got the perfect beginner glute exercises curated in an easy-to-follow YouTube video.

Hosted by epic athlete and PT, Teia Blackwood, this four-minute video covers all the best glute exercises for the ultimate glutes workout for your booty.

It’s a great video if you want to workout but work nine to five and struggle to make it to the gym.

So take a look, try it for yourself and then read about how beneficial all of the exercises in the routine are.

As Teia says, try for three rounds of each body movement. Start off with the recommended amount of reps but next time you do the routine—you can customize the number of reps according to your fitness level.


Breathing properly throughout exercise is super important because when you exercise, your body's oxygen needs increase.

Optimal breathing makes sure you get adequate delivery of oxygen to your organs and tissues, including your glute muscles.

Start your beginner's glute workout in 3...2...1…

The female beginner glutes video explained

Here’s the lowdown on every booty-boosting exercise in this badass exercise routine.

20 x banded hip thrusts

Banded hip thrusts are a popular exercise known for targeting the glute muscles effectively. They involve using resistance bands to add more challenge to the movement and increase the activation of the glutes.

How to do banded hip thrusts…

Starting position: Lying on your back.

Start by placing a resistance band just above your knees and lie down on your back on a mat or bench.

Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart. Ensure that the band is positioned securely above your knees.

Hip thrust movement: Engage your core, squeeze your glutes, and lift your hips off the ground, driving through your heels, while keeping your upper back and shoulders in contact with the mat or bench. Continue to lift until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Hold for a moment at the top, ensuring that you're squeezing your glutes, and then slowly lower your hips back down to the starting position.

Repeat the movement for 20 repetitions.

Benefits of banded hip thrusters

Glute activation: Banded hip thrusts target the glute muscles effectively, promoting glute growth and strength.

  • Increased resistance: The addition of resistance bands adds extra tension to the movement, challenging the muscles further and enhancing muscle activation.
  • Posterior chain development: Banded hip thrusts work not only the glutes but also the hamstrings and lower back muscles, contributing to overall posterior chain development.
  • Improved hip mobility: Regular practice of banded hip thrusts can help improve hip mobility and stability, benefiting your lower body function.

Top tips…

  1. Choose the right resistance band: Select a band that provides enough resistance to challenge you but still allows you to maintain proper form.
  2. Gradually increase resistance: As you become more comfortable and stronger with the exercise, you can increase the resistance of the band or switch to a stronger band to continue challenging your glutes.

20 x hand & knees abduction

Hands and knees abductions, also known as fire hydrants or quadruped hip abductions, are a targeted exercise that primarily focuses on the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles.

This exercise helps to strengthen and tone the outer hips and improve hip stability.

How to do hand & knees abductions

Start Position: Begin on all fours on a mat or a comfortable surface. Position your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

Abduction movement: Keeping your core engaged and maintaining a neutral spine, lift one knee out to the side, keeping it at a 90-degree angle. Aim to lift your knee until it reaches the level of your hip or slightly higher.

Pause for a moment at the top of the movement, focusing on squeezing your glute muscles. Ensure that your back remains stable and does not rotate during the movement.

Slowly lower your knee back down to the starting position.

Repeat the same movement on the other side, alternating between each leg for the desired number of repetitions.

Benefits of hand & knees abductions…

  • Targets hip muscles: This exercise specifically targets the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles. Strengthening these muscles can help improve hip stability which means your body is more stable and less prone to injury.
  • Enhances hip mobility: Hands and knees abductions promote greater mobility in the hip joints, which can be especially beneficial for movements that require lateral hip strength and stability, like running and lateral movements.
  • Engages core muscles: These exercises also engage the core muscles as they help stabilize the spine and maintain proper form throughout the movement.

Top tips…

  1. Maintain proper form: Keep your core tight and your back stable throughout the movement. Avoid arching or rounding your back. Focus on isolating the gluteus muscles and feeling the contraction during the abduction.
  2. Control the movement: Perform the exercise in a nice slow and purposeful way to maximize muscle engagement.
  3. Increase intensity gradually: As you become more comfortable with the exercise, you can increase the difficulty by using resistance bands or ankle weights to challenge your glute muscles further.

2 X 20 Crab walks (each way)

Lady doing crab walks exercise

Crab walks, also known as lateral crab walks or side shuffles, are a great exercise for targeting the gluteus muscles, outer thighs, and hip abductors.

This exercise involves moving sideways in a squat-like position, which helps strengthen and tone the lower body while improving the range of motion of your hips (stopping stiffness) and keeping your balance nice and stable.

How to do crab walks…

Start Position: Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and lower your body into a squat position.

Crab walk movement: Take a few steps sideways by leading with one leg, placing your foot out to the side and then bringing the other foot towards it. Keep your knees bent and maintain a low squat position throughout the movement. Make sure to keep your chest lifted and core engaged.

To return to the starting position, reverse the direction by leading with the opposite leg and repeating the steps.

Benefits of crab walks…

  • Targets multiple muscles: Crab walks primarily target the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, outer thighs (abductors), and hip stabilizer muscles.
  • Cardiovascular benefits: Crab walks bring a cardiovascular workout due to the continuous lateral movement and squatting position, which can elevate your heart rate and burn calories.

Top tips…

  1. Control your movement: Perform the crab walks in a slow and controlled manner to maximize muscle engagement and stability. Avoid rushing!
  2. Keep tension in the glutes: As you step sideways, focus on squeezing your glutes to activate the muscles more effectively.

12 x front dumbbell lunges

Woman doing dumbbell lunge glute exercise

Front dumbbell lunges are a compound exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

This exercise is really effective for building strength in the lower parts of the body.

How to do dumbbell lunges…

Start Position: Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip. Allow your arms to hang naturally by your sides.

Lunge movement: Take a long step forward with your right foot, ensuring that you maintain a straight posture. As you step forward, lower your body by bending both knees simultaneously.

Aim to lower your back knee towards the floor until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Keep your front knee positioned directly above your ankle.

Pause for a moment at the bottom of the lunge.

Push through your front heel and exhale as you step back to the starting position, bringing your feet back together.

Start with the right foot and then repeat the lunge on the opposite side with your left foot.

Benefits of dumbbell lunges
  • Builds functional strength: Lunges mimic the movements used in many daily activities and sports, meaning you can undertake everyday movements more efficiently and with reduced risk of injury.
  • Engages core muscles: Maintaining balance during front dumbbell lunges requires core stabilization. Your abdominal and back muscles engage to keep your torso upright and prevent excessive leaning or swaying.

Top tips…

  1. Step with control: Take deliberate steps when lunging to ensure proper form and avoid any balance issues. You should avoid rushing through the movement and maintain control throughout.
  2. Choose appropriate dumbbell weights: Select dumbbells that challenge your muscles without being so heavy that they affect your form. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you become more comfortable and confident with the exercise.

15 x Hip Bridge with Dumbbell

Woman doing hip bridges

The hip bridge with dumbbells is a popular exercise that primarily targets the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. It’s a really good exercise for building strength and stability in the posterior chain.

How to do a hip bridge with dumbbells…

Start Position: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Hold a dumbbell with both hands and position it across your hips. Your arms should be extended and relaxed on the ground.

Preparation: Engage your core muscles by gently drawing your navel towards your spine. This will help stabilize your spine.

Lift the hips and press through your heels and activate your glutes to lift your hips off the ground. Squeeze the glutes at the top of the movement, ensuring your glutes are fully contracted and your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

Lower the hips slowly back down to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the movement. Avoid dropping your hips quickly.

Benefits of hip bridges…

  • Glute activation: The hip bridge targets the gluteal muscles, helping to activate and strengthen them. Strong glute muscles are crucial for various movements, including walking, running, and lifting.
  • Hamstring and lower back strengthening: The hip bridge also engages the hamstrings and lower back muscles. The result? Stronger and more stable muscles in these areas.

Top tips…

Start with an appropriate weight: Choose a dumbbell weight that challenges your glutes and hamstrings without compromising form. Begin with a lighter weight and gradually increase as you gain strength and confidence.

Control the movement: Focus on controlled movements, both when lifting your hips and lowering them back down. Avoid using momentum or relying solely on gravity.

12 X Dumbbell Front Squat

Woman doing front dumbbell squats

The dumbbell front squat is a compound exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, and core muscles.

How to do dumbbell front squats…

Start Position: Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold two dumbbells at shoulder height, with your palms facing inwards. Ensure that your elbows are pointing forward and your chest is lifted.

Core engagement: Engage your core by drawing your navel towards your spine. This will help stabilize your spine and maintain proper alignment throughout the exercise.

Squat descent: Start the movement by pushing your hips back and bending your knees to lower into a squat position. Keep your chest lifted and your back straight. Aim to lower until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

At the bottom of the squat, pause for a moment to ensure proper depth and engagement of the leg muscles.

Push through your heels as you extend your knees and hips to return to the starting position. Repeat.

12 X Step Ups

Woman doing step ups for glutes

Step ups are a unilateral lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.

It’s a simple yet effective exercise that can be done using a step platform, bench, or stairs so you can slot it easily into everyday life.

Start position: Stand tall in front of a step or bench with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your core tight and your arms straight by your sides.

Step up with your left leg: Place your left foot firmly on the step or bench and push through your left heel to lift your body up. As you step up, ensure that your knees are bent and stable, forming a right angle. (left leg, knees bent, left foot)

Complete the movement: Slowly straighten your left leg and allow your right leg to follow, bringing your body to a standing position with both feet on the step (or bench).

Lower your right foot down to the starting position, followed by your left foot.

Repeat with the opposite leg.

Benefits of step ups…

Glute activation and strength: Step ups target the glute muscles, including the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius. These muscles are super important for hip extension and stability.

Quadriceps and hamstring development: Step ups engage the quadriceps in the front of the thigh and the hamstrings in the back, promoting muscle strength and balance.

Unilateral exercise for balance and stability: Step ups are a unilateral exercise, meaning they work one leg at a time. This helps deal with muscle imbalances and improve balance and stability.

Top tips…

  1. Control the movement: Focus on controlled and smooth movements while stepping up and down. Avoid using momentum or quickly bouncing off the step.
  2. Foot placement: Step fully onto the platform with your whole foot. Ensure that your foot is stable and your weight is distributed evenly.

3 X 15 Single-Leg Hip Bridges

Single leg hip bridges

The single-leg hip bridge is a unilateral exercise that primarily targets the glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles.

It’s a variation of the traditional hip bridge exercise and is good for activating and strengthening the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius.

How to do single-leg hip bridges

Start position: Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides.

Lift one leg: Extend your left leg straight up towards the ceiling.

Engage your glutes: Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the ground, pushing through your right foot. Keep your core tight throughout the movement. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to knees.

Lower your hips: Slowly lower your hips back down to the starting position, keeping tension in your glutes throughout the movement.

Repeat on the other leg.

Benefits of single-leg hip bridges…

Glute activation and strength: The single-leg hip bridge specifically targets the glute muscles, providing a great glute workout to strengthen and shape to the butt.

Hamstring engagement: This exercise also activates the hamstrings, the muscles located at the back of the thighs, promoting muscle balance and strength.

Top tips…

Proper alignment: Keep your hips level and in line with each other throughout the exercise. Avoid tilting or rotating the pelvis.

Foot placement: When lifting one leg, flex your foot so the toes point towards you. This helps engage the glutes and hamstring muscles more effectively.

Why YouTube videos are perfect for free expert workouts

Videos are such a great way to learn form, technique and advice, don't you think?

Especially when they are done by a certified pro.

YouTube videos are a free and accessible way to watch and do workout routines that work around your lifestyle—and goals.

We've got a ton more videos with Teia guiding you through an Ab Blast Workout and a Bodyweight Workout as well as more on the official Crazy Bulk Youtube Channel.

It doesn't get easier than clicking PLAY, so tune in and tone up today.

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